It’s fun having your brother as a friend. I grew up with a lot of boys around me so I usually tend to befriends with boys first rather than females. I am the only girl in my family so I do not have any girls to play with. That might be the reason why my brother and I have an endemic relationship. My brother is older than me so, growing up, he as been very protective over me. He still is protective and probably will be until the day that he dies. Everything isn’t always good with us because we do fuss or fight at least everyday. That’s why we share this unique bond together. My brother is 23 and I’m 19 but we do everything you can imagine together. We even decided to move out together. Now, most people love there siblings but would prefer not to move in with them if they had other options. My friends are his friends and his friends are my friends. Sometimes my brother can get annoying, like I hate that I have to dissemble my phone calls around him because like I said he is over protective, noisy, and can be dogmatic at times but I still love my brother, and I wouldn’t dare try to replace him.
Monday, December 1, 2008
The most valuable thing that I have lost would be a ring that my mother gave me. One reason why it’s so valuable to me is because I had to complaisant with my mother for so long, just so she could give it to me. The main reason why it’s important to me, my father gave it to my mom as an anniversary gift years ago. I recently, loss the ring a couple of months ago. I received the ring a few days before I left to come to Cookman. The last time I descried the ring, it was on my finger. I remember this because I like to play with things before I go to sleep, and right before I went to sleep, I was playing with the ring. The next night I realized that it was lost. I lost my mother’s ring and it attenuated my heart!!!! I knew that she would be upset with me. That night I tossed and turned nothing could ease my mind off the feelings that I had. I can’t replace that particular ring but I can replace it with another one. One that will take my moms attention off the fact that I lost her ring.
I love my parents to death, but I got to admit that they have been pretty embarrassing. Like one time, my mom embarrassed me so bad one night when I was on the phone late one night with my friends on three way. I knew I wasn’t suppose to be on the phone that late but by the time I realized that somebody else was on the phone, it was too late. My mom cussed me out so bad that it was caustic. My friends were so scared that they apologized to her and then they hung up the phone. My god, I was so embarrassed and hurt that I couldn’t do anything but cry. The most embarrassing moment that me and my friends encountered from my parents was when I decided to invite some friends over back to my house late one night. I didn’t have my key so I had to knock on the door, my dad answered the door with hardly nothing on. Now that was to embarrassing but, I couldn’t culpable nobody but myself because I should’ve known better than to bring my friends anywhere near my deviating parents.
A perfect day for me would be for me to wake up to hear my boyfriend snoring on the phone. We are hours away from each other so the only way that I feel close to him is by talking to him all night on the phone, even if I do fall asleep on him. Next, I would jump into the shower, and then pick out my clothes for school. My day would be even more perfect if I actually do make it to class on time. If I’m lucky, I will have enough time to stop by a fast food restaurant to pick up me some breakfast. After my first class, I will head back to my apartment to take a nap before my next class, haplessly, if my brother is awake then he will castigate me from the time I arrive till the time I leave. Once I leave the house, my day will then consist of going to all my classes, but since this is my perfect ambrosial day, then at least two out of my three classes will be cancelled.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
I enjoy all the seasons of the year. Spring is great because to me, it signifies the idea that summer, is right around the corner. Summer is awesome because I get to enjoy myself, and I don’t have to stress myself out about worrying about my school work, and grades. I especially like the weather during the fall season because it’s neither to hot nor to cold. My favorite season of all times is winter. This endemic season is the best because of all the holidays that we celebrate during this season. Some people are still dogmatic but, for the most part more people are friendly during the Christmas holidays. Another reason why I love this season is because my birthday is during this season. When I was a child I could hardly wait till winter arrived. I especially love Christmas and then my birthday was only 2 weeks after that so I use to love dissembling gifts from both Christmas and my birthday.
I enjoy all the seasons of the year. Spring is great because to me, it signifies the idea that summer, is right around the corner. Summer is awesome because I get to enjoy myself, and I don’t have to stress myself out about worrying about my school work, and grades. I especially like the weather during the fall season because it’s neither to hot nor to cold. My favorite season of all times is winter. This endemic season is the best because of all the holidays that we celebrate during this season. Some people are still dogmatic but, for the most part more people are friendly during the Christmas holidays. Another reason why I love this season is because my birthday is during this season. When I was a child I could hardly wait till winter arrived. I especially love Christmas and then my birthday was only 2 weeks after that so I use to love dissembling gifts from both Christmas and my birthday.
Luxury to me means living an comfortably, ambrosial lifestyle without wondering about how is it that you are going to be able to afford the most luxuriant things in life. Luxury also means having the best quality of something. Luxury is the kind of life that I want to live once I start my family, and career. Luxury things are not always the best things in life but it sure does make life comfortable, when you know that you don’t have to worry about getting things paid, worrying about things like that could led a person into depression. I want to be able to eclectic between any thing I want to buy. Luxury means having the best or nicest clothes, shoes, hair, nails, cars, and houses. When I think about luxuriant things, I pray that I could one day enjoy those things. I would share my wealth with my family first, and then my friends. Nothing would satisfy me more than to be able to provide for my future family. My efficacy will be to be able to by my kids anything they want no matter what it is or the price.
Luxury to me means living an comfortably, ambrosial lifestyle without wondering about how is it that you are going to be able to afford the most luxuriant things in life. Luxury also means having the best quality of something. Luxury is the kind of life that I want to live once I start my family, and career. Luxury things are not always the best things in life but it sure does make life comfortable, when you know that you don’t have to worry about getting things paid, worrying about things like that could led a person into depression. I want to be able to eclectic between any thing I want to buy. Luxury means having the best or nicest clothes, shoes, hair, nails, cars, and houses. When I think about luxuriant things, I pray that I could one day enjoy those things. I would share my wealth with my family first, and then my friends. Nothing would satisfy me more than to be able to provide for my future family. My efficacy will be to be able to by my kids anything they want no matter what it is or the price.
Now days there are a lot of funny, crazy, aberrant commercials displaying on TV. The one commercial that I hate the most will have to be the Appliance Direct commercial. Have you seen it? Of course you have, because they play this commercial at least 5 times in one hour everyday. The commercial is about this Chinese salesmen who is trying to sell refrigerators, washers, dryers, and ovens. The main reason why I absolutely hate to descry this commercial is because of how this man talks on the commercial. I have no problem deprecating his language skills, but it almost seems like he does not know how to speak English at all. They way he tries to emphasis his words is so annoying. Every time I see this commercial it literally frustrates me.
Now days there are a lot of funny, crazy, aberrant commercials displaying on TV. The one commercial that I hate the most will have to be the Appliance Direct commercial. Have you seen it? Of course you have, because they play this commercial at least 5 times in one hour everyday. The commercial is about this Chinese salesmen who is trying to sell refrigerators, washers, dryers, and ovens. The main reason why I absolutely hate to descry this commercial is because of how this man talks on the commercial. I have no problem deprecating his language skills, but it almost seems like he does not know how to speak English at all. They way he tries to emphasis his words is so annoying. Every time I see this commercial it literally frustrates me.
I’ll never forget the look on his face when
I’ll never forget the look on his face when I caught him cheating on me. His name is Franchez Lamond Pitts. Back then, he was my baby, my world, and my heart, or at least that’s what I thought. I had known him ever since the first grade; we started dating in the fifth. Franchez was my first true love. We dated on and off for five years. We did everything you can imagine from blandishing, eating, sleeping, studying, talking, joking, shopping and wrestling together. I caught him cheating on me a couple of days before Valentines. I called him one day before my basketball practice started which was part of our daily routine. Once we talked for a little while, he asked me if I would come over to his house later to take down his hair, I told him that I didn’t have a ride so therefore I wouldn’t be able to. After basketball practice ended, I went home. Upon my arrival, my brother informed me that he was going to go visit a friend who lived a few blocks down from where Franchez stayed. I asked him if I could ride so that I could get dropped off at Franchez house; he agreed. I forgot to call him when I left my house, but I knew that he wasn’t going anywhere from our conversation earlier that day. Once I pulled up in his driveway, I immediately felt a bad vibe. I knew something was wrong because as I pulled up everybody in that house was looking through the blinds. As soon I opened the front door, Franchez caprice out of no where with this guilty craven look. I took it upon myself to search his house because I just knew that I would find someone. I didn’t find anyone but, Franchez actions where does of a guilty person so I ended our relationship for the last time that day.
I’ll never forget the look on his face when I caught him cheating on me. His name is Franchez Lamond Pitts. Back then, he was my baby, my world, and my heart, or at least that’s what I thought. I had known him ever since the first grade; we started dating in the fifth. Franchez was my first true love. We dated on and off for five years. We did everything you can imagine from blandishing, eating, sleeping, studying, talking, joking, shopping and wrestling together. I caught him cheating on me a couple of days before Valentines. I called him one day before my basketball practice started which was part of our daily routine. Once we talked for a little while, he asked me if I would come over to his house later to take down his hair, I told him that I didn’t have a ride so therefore I wouldn’t be able to. After basketball practice ended, I went home. Upon my arrival, my brother informed me that he was going to go visit a friend who lived a few blocks down from where Franchez stayed. I asked him if I could ride so that I could get dropped off at Franchez house; he agreed. I forgot to call him when I left my house, but I knew that he wasn’t going anywhere from our conversation earlier that day. Once I pulled up in his driveway, I immediately felt a bad vibe. I knew something was wrong because as I pulled up everybody in that house was looking through the blinds. As soon I opened the front door, Franchez caprice out of no where with this guilty craven look. I took it upon myself to search his house because I just knew that I would find someone. I didn’t find anyone but, Franchez actions where does of a guilty person so I ended our relationship for the last time that day.
I’m happiest when….
I’m happiest when….
I’m happiest when I’m with my boyfriend, Brantley Armonte Frazier. He is a several months younger than I, but for some strange reason, he seems a lot older than what he is. Brantley and I have known each other ever since Kindergarten. We have been friends ever since. Brantley is my best friend; I have never felt like I have been able to trust any other male friend like I do with him. We either want more out of the relationship, or they are just chicanery. Even though we have been friends for a very long time, we recently decided to take our friendship to the next level. Our relationship has burgeoned tremendously over the last past months and now its hard being away from him. I know that we can make it. No matter what I do bad or good, he has always been there for me to buttress me in any situation. He makes me feel good about myself, that’s why I’m so happy. He has a way of making me feel like there’s no other person I want to be with except him. I’m use to the “bad boys’’ so now I can really appreciate having a good man by my side. Brantley treats me how any woman would want to be treated. I’m his first priority and that’s what makes me happy.
I’m happiest when I’m with my boyfriend, Brantley Armonte Frazier. He is a several months younger than I, but for some strange reason, he seems a lot older than what he is. Brantley and I have known each other ever since Kindergarten. We have been friends ever since. Brantley is my best friend; I have never felt like I have been able to trust any other male friend like I do with him. We either want more out of the relationship, or they are just chicanery. Even though we have been friends for a very long time, we recently decided to take our friendship to the next level. Our relationship has burgeoned tremendously over the last past months and now its hard being away from him. I know that we can make it. No matter what I do bad or good, he has always been there for me to buttress me in any situation. He makes me feel good about myself, that’s why I’m so happy. He has a way of making me feel like there’s no other person I want to be with except him. I’m use to the “bad boys’’ so now I can really appreciate having a good man by my side. Brantley treats me how any woman would want to be treated. I’m his first priority and that’s what makes me happy.
If I could change one thing about me….
If I could change one thing about me….
If I could change one thing about me, it would be my dependence upon my parents. My mother has 3 children; my 2 brothers, and me. My father has 3 children also; my other 2 brothers, and me. So as you can see, I am the only girl in my families, so everybody spoils me. You might wonder why being spoiled is such a bad thing? Well because I’m getting to an age where I need to be doing things for myself, by myself. My father is very protective over me so he is very complaisant to my every need and want. My mother loves to do everything for me. I antipathy that it will become a problem in the future, because now I can’t really do anything without the help from my mother. How can a person go through life being dependent on another person their whole lives? It is just not possible to me because tomorrow is not promised to either of us. If I could just become less dependent on my parents, then I think that I will become a better person. Or I will feel like I’m a more responsible person. When I do have kids, I am going to spoil them, but not to the extent that they will feel like they have to dependent upon me, or their father for the rest of their lives. Don’t get me wrong, I am not culpabling them for their actions, but I just feel like a child would grow wiser from experiencing things for themselves , rather then letting their parents handle things for them.
If I could change one thing about me, it would be my dependence upon my parents. My mother has 3 children; my 2 brothers, and me. My father has 3 children also; my other 2 brothers, and me. So as you can see, I am the only girl in my families, so everybody spoils me. You might wonder why being spoiled is such a bad thing? Well because I’m getting to an age where I need to be doing things for myself, by myself. My father is very protective over me so he is very complaisant to my every need and want. My mother loves to do everything for me. I antipathy that it will become a problem in the future, because now I can’t really do anything without the help from my mother. How can a person go through life being dependent on another person their whole lives? It is just not possible to me because tomorrow is not promised to either of us. If I could just become less dependent on my parents, then I think that I will become a better person. Or I will feel like I’m a more responsible person. When I do have kids, I am going to spoil them, but not to the extent that they will feel like they have to dependent upon me, or their father for the rest of their lives. Don’t get me wrong, I am not culpabling them for their actions, but I just feel like a child would grow wiser from experiencing things for themselves , rather then letting their parents handle things for them.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Political Blog... Election Day

The United States Presidential election of 2008 was held on Tuesday November 4, 2008. The Democratic Party’s nominee was Barack Obama, the junior United States Senator from Illinois. The Republican Party’s nominee was John McCain, the senior United States Senator from Arizona.At a time of war and economic crisis, voters across the country were fed up with the Republican administration gravitated toward the younger, more charismatic candidate who based his campaign on hope and change. McCain also tried to position himself as an candidate of change. This election has been long and hard. Four decades after Martin Luther King proclaimed his vision to a racially divided nation, Americans took a great step forward in electing Obama as their first black president. Barack Obama completed a journey last night that had once been unthinkable, becoming the first African-American president in U.S. history and raising hopes this nation had entered a new, post-racial era. Obama sealed his victory with a daunting, 182-vote lead in the Electoral College, with five states still outstanding. The popular vote was with Obama winning 51 to 47 percent. Obama won the number of electors necessary to be elected President. He is the president-elect and will be inaugrated on January 20, 2009.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Sexually transmitted diseases (STD's) are serious, sometimes painful diseases that can cause damage to your body if not treated. Some STD's infest only your sexual and/or reproductive organs. Others can damage throughout the body. When left untreated some STD's may cause life-threatening consequences.
I. Human Papilloma Virus (HPV)
A. What is it?
1. A sexually transmitted disease.
2. It includes more than 100 different strains or types.
3. It can infect the genital area of men and women
B. Symptoms
1. There are different types of HPV, some cause symptoms and some don't.
2. HPV does not normally cause any symptoms, so a regular Pap smear is essential.
3. Genital warts, which are cauliflower-like growths that occur on and around the vagina, penis, and anus.
C. Medications
1. Biogetica HPV Optimal-Kit
2. Gardisil
A. What is it?
1. Is one of the most common sexual transmitted disease.
2. This serious infection can make it hard or impossible for a woman to get pregnant.
3. Chlamydia does not cause problems if you treat it right away. But left untreated, it can lead to serious problems, especially for women.
B. Symptoms
1. It includes pain when you urinate.
2. An abnormal discharge from the penis or vagina.
3. Abnormal vaginal bleeding with intercourse or between periods.
C. Medications
1. Antibiotic treatment, when taken exactly as directed.
2. Treatment in a hospital with intravenous medicines.
A. What is it?
1. A bacterium that can grow and multiply easily in the warm, moist areas of the reproductive tract.
2. Gonorrhea is a very common infectious disease
3. Untreated gonorrhea can cause serious and permanent health problems in both women and men.
B. Symptoms
1. Can be mistaken for a bladder or vaginal infection.
2. It includes a painful or burning sensation when urinating.
3. An increased a yellowish vaginal discharge.
C. Medications
1. Several antibiotics can successfully cure gonorrhea.
2. Ciprofloxacin
3. Azithromycin (Zithromax)
Do not wait for symptoms to appear, especially if you or your partners have other sexual contacts. Regular check-ups for STD's should be part of your regular medical examination. This is very important if you are sexually active.
Sexually transmitted diseases (STD's) are serious, sometimes painful diseases that can cause damage to your body if not treated. Some STD's infest only your sexual and/or reproductive organs. Others can damage throughout the body. When left untreated some STD's may cause life-threatening consequences.
I. Human Papilloma Virus (HPV)
A. What is it?
1. A sexually transmitted disease.
2. It includes more than 100 different strains or types.
3. It can infect the genital area of men and women
B. Symptoms
1. There are different types of HPV, some cause symptoms and some don't.
2. HPV does not normally cause any symptoms, so a regular Pap smear is essential.
3. Genital warts, which are cauliflower-like growths that occur on and around the vagina, penis, and anus.
C. Medications
1. Biogetica HPV Optimal-Kit
2. Gardisil
A. What is it?
1. Is one of the most common sexual transmitted disease.
2. This serious infection can make it hard or impossible for a woman to get pregnant.
3. Chlamydia does not cause problems if you treat it right away. But left untreated, it can lead to serious problems, especially for women.
B. Symptoms
1. It includes pain when you urinate.
2. An abnormal discharge from the penis or vagina.
3. Abnormal vaginal bleeding with intercourse or between periods.
C. Medications
1. Antibiotic treatment, when taken exactly as directed.
2. Treatment in a hospital with intravenous medicines.
A. What is it?
1. A bacterium that can grow and multiply easily in the warm, moist areas of the reproductive tract.
2. Gonorrhea is a very common infectious disease
3. Untreated gonorrhea can cause serious and permanent health problems in both women and men.
B. Symptoms
1. Can be mistaken for a bladder or vaginal infection.
2. It includes a painful or burning sensation when urinating.
3. An increased a yellowish vaginal discharge.
C. Medications
1. Several antibiotics can successfully cure gonorrhea.
2. Ciprofloxacin
3. Azithromycin (Zithromax)
Do not wait for symptoms to appear, especially if you or your partners have other sexual contacts. Regular check-ups for STD's should be part of your regular medical examination. This is very important if you are sexually active.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
ssica Moss
Four Little Girls KWL
- 16TH St. Baptist Church was bombed.
- Ku Klux Klan was responsible for this bombing.
- Four people were killed.
- Twenty two people were injured.
- Denise McNair
- Carole Robertson
- Cynthia Wesley
- Addie Mae Collins
- Why didn’t everybody agree with segregation?
- How did the bombing contribute to the civil rights legislation?
- How did the demonstrations led to an agreement to integrate public facilities?
- What motivated the attack?
- What was the purpose of bombing that particular church?
- Did the families receive a fair trial for the murder of their daughters?
-Ku Klux Klan planted 19 sticks of dynamite with a delayed time release outside of the basement of the church.
- The bombing was a racially motivated attack on Sept.15.
- Bombing increased other acts of violence.
-Bombing caused public outrage and helped build support for the civil rights movement.
- Blacks were outraged by this bombing.
- There was no conviction at first for the ones who bombed the church.
Four Little Girls KWL
- 16TH St. Baptist Church was bombed.
- Ku Klux Klan was responsible for this bombing.
- Four people were killed.
- Twenty two people were injured.
- Denise McNair
- Carole Robertson
- Cynthia Wesley
- Addie Mae Collins
- Why didn’t everybody agree with segregation?
- How did the bombing contribute to the civil rights legislation?
- How did the demonstrations led to an agreement to integrate public facilities?
- What motivated the attack?
- What was the purpose of bombing that particular church?
- Did the families receive a fair trial for the murder of their daughters?
-Ku Klux Klan planted 19 sticks of dynamite with a delayed time release outside of the basement of the church.
- The bombing was a racially motivated attack on Sept.15.
- Bombing increased other acts of violence.
-Bombing caused public outrage and helped build support for the civil rights movement.
- Blacks were outraged by this bombing.
- There was no conviction at first for the ones who bombed the church.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
I. Intro
II. Causes for Lynching
A. Jim Crow Laws
B. Ku Klux Klan
C. Stories of lynching’s
III. What African American did to stop this
A. Got help from white people
B. Spoke out
C. Broke away from restrictions
D. Got peoples attention
IV. The Outcome
A. Laws for blacks
B. End to segregation
C. Stop against lynching
V. Conclusion
I. Intro
II. Causes for Lynching
A. Jim Crow Laws
B. Ku Klux Klan
C. Stories of lynching’s
III. What African American did to stop this
A. Got help from white people
B. Spoke out
C. Broke away from restrictions
D. Got peoples attention
IV. The Outcome
A. Laws for blacks
B. End to segregation
C. Stop against lynching
V. Conclusion

There have been thousands of instances where lynchings have been recorded. People are surprised to learn that the last lynching only happened twenty seven years ago. I agree with Koppel, when he said that” People look at it as if this is a chapter in the past.” The reason why I agree with him is because so many people take for granted that our ancestors struggled for our rights and the least we could do is acknowledge our history more. So many people are unaware of issues like this because they choose to not pay attention, while some simply do not care about their history, or sacrifices that many brave women and men before our time whom jeopardized their lives for our freedom. The Moore’s Ford, Rosewood Massacre, and Michael Donald case are some cases for the most horrifying and venerated cases of lynching in America. All these cases are based on the Ku Klux Klan trying to prove or set a warning to the African Americans who did not waver or who thought that they could get away with threatening or killing any white person. The Ku Klux Klan felt superior over the law and demonstrated it by doing exactly what they wanted by taking matters into their own hands.

Last Lynching in America
There was over 5,000 lynching’s recorded in the United states during and after slavery. There is an unanimous number to those who were lynched that was recorded as well. The last lynching demonstrates the unbearable pain, and humiliation that white put on African Americans. Someblacks risked their lives in order for us to obtain our freedom. Blacks disguised themselves as white Ku Klux Klan members just to find out what it was that the Ku Klux Klan planned to do next in order to destroy African Americans who advocate out against whites. The Ku Klux Klans bombed buses, homes,and churches. Most white people treated these lynching’s as a big event, because everybody in the town crowded around to witness these lynchings as if it was a fair.
The last lynching ever recorded in America happened twenty seven years ago, in Mobile, Alabama; in 1981. This lynching is very interesting because it happened not to long ago and many people do not even know about it. Michael Donald lynching’s was a warning used by the Ku Klux Klan to warn the blacks in the local trial. Apparently a black man was on trial for killing an whitepolicemen, since the jury was all black the Ku Klux Klan decided that the trial was not going to be fair. Ben Hay’s a Ku Klux Klan member of high authority took matters into his own hand and decided to authorize his members to go out and kill an African American to set an example. That’s when they went out and choose Michael Donald, an innocent man. The killer of Donald said that he just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. He even apologized to Donald’s mother , she accepted his forgiveness. This just shows how strong Africans Americans are, forgiving even during a time of tradegy. Seven million dollars where awarded to Donalds family, but his mother only received a small portion. She bought her first house with the money but haplessly, she died a year later.
There was over 5,000 lynching’s recorded in the United states during and after slavery. There is an unanimous number to those who were lynched that was recorded as well. The last lynching demonstrates the unbearable pain, and humiliation that white put on African Americans. Someblacks risked their lives in order for us to obtain our freedom. Blacks disguised themselves as white Ku Klux Klan members just to find out what it was that the Ku Klux Klan planned to do next in order to destroy African Americans who advocate out against whites. The Ku Klux Klans bombed buses, homes,and churches. Most white people treated these lynching’s as a big event, because everybody in the town crowded around to witness these lynchings as if it was a fair.
The last lynching ever recorded in America happened twenty seven years ago, in Mobile, Alabama; in 1981. This lynching is very interesting because it happened not to long ago and many people do not even know about it. Michael Donald lynching’s was a warning used by the Ku Klux Klan to warn the blacks in the local trial. Apparently a black man was on trial for killing an whitepolicemen, since the jury was all black the Ku Klux Klan decided that the trial was not going to be fair. Ben Hay’s a Ku Klux Klan member of high authority took matters into his own hand and decided to authorize his members to go out and kill an African American to set an example. That’s when they went out and choose Michael Donald, an innocent man. The killer of Donald said that he just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. He even apologized to Donald’s mother , she accepted his forgiveness. This just shows how strong Africans Americans are, forgiving even during a time of tradegy. Seven million dollars where awarded to Donalds family, but his mother only received a small portion. She bought her first house with the money but haplessly, she died a year later.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Today I'm feeling extremely sleepy and tired because I just got back last night from Alabama and the drive was over several hours. So today I am not really in the mood to be social. I also feel stressed and depressed because I cant find me anywhere to live, I've been stayimg in and out of hotels for over a month now and it's beginning to take a toll on me. I can't remember how much money I've been spending on them. I'm also depressed about my grades, because I feel like no matter how much work I turn in, I'm still behind.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Everyday Use

Everyday use is about a black family, a mother reuniting with her daughter from college after 6 years and only receiving two letters from her. The reunion qiuckly goes sour after a conflict concerning the families hertiages. In the story Dee (daughter from college) comes back and brings a Islamic guy friend from school . Dee as a changed a great bit, for instance she changes her name because she couldn't bare the fact of being named after her ancestors. She also acts as if she is better than the rest of her family because she has an education. She criticized all of her mother things in order to make herself feel better. She also begins to take some items from the house such as thier ancestor manmade things which she feels will not be put into everyday use. Her mother watches from a dsitance in frustration but doesn't let her daughter know how she feels untill she grabs an old quilt stitched together by her mom, sister, and herself that she had been saving for her other daughter Maggie when she gets married. Dee's temper is flared once she learns that her mother will not give the quilt to her, she then backtalks her mother by exacerbating that they dont understand their hertiages. After that she imperiously storms out the house and leaves. Her mom and Maggie watch with grins as Dee flutter away from the house. This story demostrates how some black people view themselves as superior over thoose who are less educated as themselves, even those who care about them the most. The story also help show that you embrace where you come from because those are the things that made you who you are today. |
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