Everyday use is about a black family, a mother reuniting with her daughter from college after 6 years and only receiving two letters from her. The reunion qiuckly goes sour after a conflict concerning the families hertiages. In the story Dee (daughter from college) comes back and brings a Islamic guy friend from school . Dee as a changed a great bit, for instance she changes her name because she couldn't bare the fact of being named after her ancestors. She also acts as if she is better than the rest of her family because she has an education. She criticized all of her mother things in order to make herself feel better. She also begins to take some items from the house such as thier ancestor manmade things which she feels will not be put into everyday use. Her mother watches from a dsitance in frustration but doesn't let her daughter know how she feels untill she grabs an old quilt stitched together by her mom, sister, and herself that she had been saving for her other daughter Maggie when she gets married. Dee's temper is flared once she learns that her mother will not give the quilt to her, she then backtalks her mother by exacerbating that they dont understand their hertiages. After that she imperiously storms out the house and leaves. Her mom and Maggie watch with grins as Dee flutter away from the house. This story demostrates how some black people view themselves as superior over thoose who are less educated as themselves, even those who care about them the most. The story also help show that you embrace where you come from because those are the things that made you who you are today. |