Tuesday, November 18, 2008

If I could change one thing about me….

If I could change one thing about me….

If I could change one thing about me, it would be my dependence upon my parents. My mother has 3 children; my 2 brothers, and me. My father has 3 children also; my other 2 brothers, and me. So as you can see, I am the only girl in my families, so everybody spoils me. You might wonder why being spoiled is such a bad thing? Well because I’m getting to an age where I need to be doing things for myself, by myself. My father is very protective over me so he is very complaisant to my every need and want. My mother loves to do everything for me. I antipathy that it will become a problem in the future, because now I can’t really do anything without the help from my mother. How can a person go through life being dependent on another person their whole lives? It is just not possible to me because tomorrow is not promised to either of us. If I could just become less dependent on my parents, then I think that I will become a better person. Or I will feel like I’m a more responsible person. When I do have kids, I am going to spoil them, but not to the extent that they will feel like they have to dependent upon me, or their father for the rest of their lives. Don’t get me wrong, I am not culpabling them for their actions, but I just feel like a child would grow wiser from experiencing things for themselves , rather then letting their parents handle things for them.

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